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5 Things You Must Do to Save for a Family Vacation


With summer just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about family vacation ideas. A family vacation is a great chance to bond and experience a new place with your children. But how you can start saving for a family vacation, even if you don’t have a lot of money?

Here are 5 things you can do to start saving for your vacation:

1.      Set a goal- where do you want to take your family? Even if you can’t afford it just yet, write down where you want to go and estimate how much it will cost. Goals that are written down are much more likely to be achieved. Include your children in the process by telling them “We are planning on going to Disney World this summer” so we will start saving. Then the next time they want to eat out or ask for something at the store, remind them about the trip.

2.      Use Survey Sites like Swagbucks- I am on Swagbucks daily. Swagbucks is a site that lets you watch videos, take surveys, and play games for rewards. They offer prizes such as gift cards that you can use for Southwest airline tickets or you can cash out from Paypal. I usually open two or three windows at a time, and let a video play in the background. It’s a very easy way to get money literally doing nothing.

3.      Have a Yard Sale- it doesn’t have to be a real yard sale. You can sell on Craigslist, Facebook Local (in groups), or even ebay. It’s a great way to clean your house and earn some extra cash. Put all of the earnings in your vacation fund.

4.      Eat out less- stop eating out and put that money towards your vacation fund. Also, eat the food in your pantry and fridge first before going out to buy more food.

5.      Lower Expenses- now is a great time to see if you can get a discount on your Cable/Internet Service or even lower your car insurance rate. Use any discounts towards your family vacation fund.

These tips will help you save for your next family vacation.

So how do you save for your family vacation? Leave a comment below.