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Tips to Choose a Preschool Homeschool Curriculum

The best preschool homeschool curriculum.


Are you preparing to homeschool your preschooler? With so many websites full of printables, packaged programs, and sets it might be hard to figure out what curriculum you want to use for your preschool homeschool.

Luckily, I have some tips to help you get the best preschool homeschool curriculum for your child.

First, preschool years (between the ages of 3-5), are supposed to be fun, filled with exploration and discovery. Developmentally although your child will have to learn how to complete a printable, you don’t want that to be the only focus of their learning.

Look for a curriculum that is:

  • Fun
  • Child Friendly
  • Themes based

Many preschool curriculums focus on themes, which is basically a topic for the week or month. Depending on how relaxed you want your preschool homeschool to be, then you can stretch that topic for that length of time.

With my twins, I will be doing a theme for two weeks so that way we can have enough time for fun activities, crafts, and sensory play related to the theme. I have seen some curriculums with themes that last a month, but that might get old for your child (and boring for you).

Is it related to your parenting style?

Personally, I don’t follow a particular educational method. I am more in tune with my children and what they need, and follow that approach. I do like elements of the Montessori method, but I am more traditional with my learning.

So what is the best curriculum?

It’s the one you feel that best meets the need of your child. All children are different, and only you know what your child will respond best to.

My plan for preschool homeschool is to work backwards. I have already begun preparing my twins for kindergarten using KinderStar.

For our actual curriculum, we will homeschool three times a week, and the other two days will be outside activities (library storytime, cooking class, swimming, etc).

I have chosen themes from my free Preschool Planner. Grab your free planner now, if you don’t have it already.

What not to do for your preschool homeschool curriculum?

Spend time searching the Internet for fun and creative resources that will keep your child entertained. It is much easier to prepare in advance than to wait until the morning or day and try to figure out what to do with your child.

Plus, you want to make sure that the work is actually educational and has a purpose. I have downloaded material only to find that its 10 pages of simple tracing that takes 5 minutes.

So I decided to create my own preschool homeschool curriculum.

What will be included?

18 printable units- with 15-20 pages of fun educational activities that covers sight words, letter recognition, math skills, and more!

I will also be creating a page for each theme with book lists, sensory play ideas, dramatic play, and crafts that relate to the unit.

Don’t want to search for a curriculum for your child? Sign up here to get early access to my 18 unit Preschool Curriculum.

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